9 Quick And Easy Solutions To ERR_CONNECTION_RESET

Google Chrome is the most popular web browser in the world and it's easy to see why. It comes with tons of features that make browsing a breeze, including Google Search built-in and automatic updates for your extensions.

But one issue you may notice as time goes by is ERR_CONNECTION_RESET errors popping up when loading pages or installing extensions.

Luckily, I am providing 9 Quick and Easy Solutions to help fix this problem without having to delete any files!


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What is the Chrome Error err_connection_reset?

error message err_connection_reset

Every time you try to connect to the internet, your browser makes a request and sends it up to an ISP. If there is any sort of issue with this process, you will see an error that says “ERR_CONNECTION_RESET.”

This might be caused by a power outage or other physical damage at the location where the connection is coming from.

However, if this happens often enough, there are more serious problems going on than just one single event. We’ll go over some ways you can troubleshoot what’s causing this problem in Chrome!

Why does this error happen ?

If your browser displays an ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error, it might mean there is a problem with your internet connection. It could be due to a power outage or other damage sustained by the ISP.

But if this happens often, it indicates that something more serious is going on in the background.

You can check this thread on Reddit

How to fix chrome error err_connection_reset?

Here are the solutions that you can try to solve this :-

Solution 1 : Check if your Internet Connection is Working

If you’re connected to a WiFi network that hasn’t been working lately, the connection might be severed. Make sure your wifi is still active and reconnected to the internet.

If you need to know about error ERR_CACHE_MISS, then I have a separate guide where I discuss in detail the fixes.

Solution 2: Restart Chrome Browser:

Sudden power outages or other glitches in your ISP can affect connectivity with your browser. To fix this problem, close your Google Chrome browser and re-open it.

Quick Tip: Reset your router:

If the problem persists, you may need to reset your home network hardware by unplugging all devices and waiting a few minutes before plugging them back in again. This includes power strips, Ethernet cables from modem to computer or other device; wireless access points; and routers that have been unplugged from power.

Solution 3: Modify Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size

MTU is the size of the packet that is transmitted between your computer and a server. If you are experiencing problems with being unable to load websites, it may be due to an issue with MTU size in your computer.

To modify this, follow these steps :

  1. To get the correct name of your “Network Name”, Click Windows +R and type ncpa.cpl and Press OK.
  2. Type in the command replacing “Network Name” with the name of your Network.
netsh int ipv4 set subinterface “Network Name” mtu=1458 store=persistent

How to get the Optimal value of MTU?

Now the optimal value of MTU can be found out by doing a Ping test of the domain followed by -f and -l like this :

ping www.thetechietrickle.com -f -l 1550

We start with a packet size of say 1550 and continue the test by slightly reducing by 10-15 bytes until you reach a packet size that can’t be fragmented.

Now this is really Pro stuff so I am not explaining in detail. But as per my experience, I have noticed that MTU value of 1458 is quite optimal.

Once you complete executing this command successfully, you can restart your computer and router both. ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error in Chrome should now be resolved.

Solution 4: Perform a VPN Test Check for your IP

  1. Identify your original IP address, turn off your VPN and then Go to this page.(https://nordvpn.com/what-is-my-ip/)
  2. Capture the IP address it shows up on this page.
  3. Turn on your VPN now and check if it shows a different IP to the the country of the VPN you are connected to.

Point I am trying to raise here is if you are using VPN, then ensure that it is not blocking the internet connection. The app can block the internet connection when your VPN drops to protect you from losing privacy.

This may result in an error message called err_connection_reset if it connects to a new server.

This solution is only applicable for VPN users. If you are not using a VPN, please skip to the next one.

Solution 5: Check Firewall Settings

Check the firewall settings on your computer. On Windows 10, follow the steps below to disable firewall :

  1. Go to Control Panel
  2. Click on System and Security
  3. Next, click Windows Defender Firewall ‍(don’t worry about the popup message)
  4. Choose Turn Off Windows Defender Firewall (on left hand side)
  5. Restart your computer ‍and then turn it back ON.

After turning off the Firewall, Chrome should be able to connect. This should fix ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error.

Solution 6 : Disable Antivirus on your computer

Sometimes, antivirus programs installed on your computer can restrict connection with networks. If that’s the case, you can follow these steps to Turn on “Real -time protection” :

  1. From “Start” menu choose “Settings” option
  2. Then from “Update & Security”, Go to “Windows Security”
  3. Under Protection areas, Click on “Virus & threat protection”
  4. A new window pops up. Under “Virus & threat protection settings”, Click on “Manage Settings”.
  5. Toggle OFF the Real-time protection for a short time to check if this resolves the issue and you should get active internet connection back.

Solution 7: Check Network Status

  1. From “Start” menu choose “Settings” option
  2. Go to “Network & Internet”
  3. Click on “Status”

This should show you if you are connected to the network or not.

When you get an err_connection_reset error message in Chrome, there are a few things you should also check. You can also make sure LAN settings are correct.

How to Change the LAN settings in Chrome?

  1. From Control Panel, Go to “Internet Options” by simply keying this word in the search bar on top right corner of the window.
  2. On the Internet Properties window, Click on “LAN Settings” under the Connections tab. Make sure it is set to automatic and click OK after that.
  3. If you still get an err_connection_reset error message, try rebooting your modem or router for a few minutes then retry connecting via WiFi.

Solution 8: Reboot the Router

If connection errors such as Error 101 are present, rebooting the network device can often fix them. Unplug the power source from both ends of the device (i.e., cable or plug) then wait a few minutes before plugging them back in.

Now Power On your device and attempt to connect again.

Solution 9 : Remove Winsock Catalog entries

Winsock is a programming interface for Unix and Linux systems that allows applications to bind or listen on sockets.

The winsock catalog stores the information about which services are available for use, where they may be found in memory, and what their properties should be set as. When a Wi-Fi connection is lost because of router issue or other interference (i.e., power outage) the winsock catalog may be corrupted, preventing it from loading correctly.

Removing the winsock catalog entries will always reset them to their default values and should fix the issue of not being able to connect due a corruptions in that catalogue.

How to reset Winsock?

In Windows 10, you can type CMD in the Windows search bar beside “Start” and then click “Run as Administrator”.

On the command prompt window that opens up, type in the following command :

netsh winsock reset

​and then press enter. This will reset the Winsock catalog, and you should now be able to connect again on your Wi-Fi connection.

As a final step before closing this command prompt window, type in “exit” without quotes and then hit Enter/return. That will close the Command Prompt window that opened up when launching.

Solution 9 : Clear Browsing History

Type in “chrome://settings/clearBrowserData” in Chrome address bar and press enter.

Then, click on “Clear browsing data” and then select all the content you want to delete from your browser’s cache.

Alternatively, go to Settings > Privacy > Clear Browsing Data in Google Chrome.

Last option, restart Chrome. To do this, click on the 3-dot button in the top right corner of your window and select “Exit,” then reopen Chrome to try reconnecting again.”

What are some troubleshooting tips for other errors that may be related to err_connection_reset?

The browser plugin or extension could cause an err_connection-reset error; if not, it might be due to spyware: scan your computer for malware with a tracker like Spybot Search & Destroy. If none of those fixes work, then you can try re-installing Google Chrome. To do this, click on the three dots in top right corner and select Exit before opening up again!”

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